Award & Funding Opportunities
Funding For ICAR
ICAR 2025- Ghent, organized by Belgian colleagues
NAASC announces we have funding opportunities for up to 13 US plant biologists to participate in ICAR 2025.
Application details will be posted soon. Tentative deadline to apply: 31 March 2025. Tentative awards announcements: 15 April 2025.
ICAR 2025- June 16-20
Early Bird: April 20
Regular closes: June 1
ABSTRACT submission: for oral: March 17
For posters: May 1
All abstracts selected for oral cannot bring a poster.
All abstracts not selected for oral can optionally bring a poster.
Funding QUESTIONS? EMAIL DR. FRIESNER/NAASC AT: arabidopsisconference@gmail.com
ICAR 2025 questions? please contact the ICAR organizers (not NAASC):
Go to the ICAR website and scroll down to “Contact Geraint Parry about ICAR 2025”
Awardee Requirements
Awardees must present their work at ICAR (talk or poster)
By 28 February, 2023: Awardees must register and submit their abstract directly to ICAR 2023 (submitting your abstract for the award application does not fulfill this requirement)
Failure to present your work at ICAR forfeits your award
Awardees must submit a short meeting report (as part of a blog post) and complete a short survey after ICAR
Awards given as reimbursements
Awardees will sign an award offer noting these requirements sent by NAASC